Foyers Bay | Stratherrick & Foyers Community Trust
Foyers Bay

Welcome to the Foyers Bay Project page.  Each week we intend to give you a regular Thursday update on how projects are progressing.  Some weeks there will be lots of activity, others not so much.  If you have any questions - or have knowledge and skills you would like to bring to the project please do get in touch with the lead Directors via the button on the right!


Latest update 10th October 2024

At the last steering group meeting, membership costs were revisited.  You can find out more about this here.


Latest update 12th September 2024

Thank you to everyone who attended last week's steering group meeting, it was very productive.  A further update will be circulated shortly.

We are also pleased that the next phase of landscaping works begun this week - it's progressing well!



Latest update 28th August 2024

We will be holding the next Foyers Bay steering group meeting on Thursday 5th September, 7pm, at The Hub, Lower Foyers.  All welcome.  You can find a copy of the agenda here.


Latest update 22nd August 2024

You can find further information regarding activities at Foyers Bay here - Foyers Bay - further update


Latest update 20th August 2024

We are disappointed to have to share with you that following two incidents of criminal activity at Foyers Bay over the summer months, we will be changing the padlock to the gate at Foyers Bay this week.  On the back of this we are also bringing forward the implementation of our new membership process.  If you are a current key holder, please get in touch with Kirsteen via to request your replacement key.  Once existing key holders have been given the opportunity to become members, we will open this up to the rest of the community with an interest in Foyers Bay.  You can also find membership details here.

In relation to the above-mentioned incidents, we have notified the police and on their recommendation are looking into installing CCTV at the premises.  If you have any information in relation to either incident, or witnessed any suspicious activity at Foyers Bay over the last few months, please get in touch with either Malcolm ( or Caroline (  Many thanks for your patience and understanding on this matter.


Latest update 4th July 2024

Please bear with us while we update and finalise insurance requirements and terms of use for Foyers Bay - this is taking a little longer than anticipated but we hope to get everything completed very soon.  If you are interested in using this community facility, please contact Kirsteen by emailing for more information.


Latest update 30th May 2024

Thank you to everyone who came along to last week's steering group meeting.  Notes will be circulated in due course.  You can find the notes from our April meeting here.

The floating moorings are being installed this week.  We are finalising terms of use and then we can open these up for community use.


Latest update 25th April 2024

Thank you to those of you who have expressed an interest in tendering for the landscaping works. We will be in touch with you shortly to arrange a meeting on site to discuss what is required.


Latest update 9th April 2024

Would you be interested in tendering for the next phase of shoreside landscaping works?  You can find out more information here.

Our next steering group meeting is Thursday 18th April, 7pm at the Hub, Lower Foyers. All welcome.


Latest update 21st March 2024

As a result of the clearance work carried out last Autumn, some waste material was uncovered under the surface where the proposed slipway is to be built.  The decision has been taken to pause the construction of the new slipway while investigative works are carried out and we identify the best method of removing and disposing of this waste.
While we work through this, the steering group have identified some other options for making Foyers Bay more usable for the community, which we hope to make progress with this season:
• Installation of floating moorings in the loch
• Further landscaping works to improve the gradient of the existing slipway
• Introduction of an electricity bollard to enable boat users to carry out works on their boats

We will continue to update you on the progress of this here.


Latest update 22nd February 2024


Thank you to everyone who came along to last week's steering group meeting.  Notes and actions will be shared here shortly.

You can now find the notes from our meeting on the 9th January here.


Latest update 1st February 2024

Our next steering group meeting has been confirmed for Thursday 15th February, 7pm, at The Hub, Lower Foyers.  All welcome.


Latest update 11th January 2024

Thank you to everyone who came along to the steering group meeting on Tuesday - full notes and actions from the meeting will be shared here shortly.


Latest update 14th December 2023

If you would like to get involved in this project, please come along to our next Steering Group meeting on Tuesday 9th January 2024, 7pm, at The Hub, Lower Foyers.

Further details on current activities can be found here - Further site works completed at Foyers Bay 


Latest update 7th December 2023

Thank you George and Malcolm for their hard work last week - the weeds and scrub have been removed from inside the compound and around the fence line, the abandoned boats have been brought up from the lochside, and equipment has been moved into the compound.  Further details will be circulated shortly outlining the next stage of proposed works.



Latest update 30th November 2023

There has been plenty of activity at the Foyers Bay compound this week - we will share some pictures and further details next week.

Thank you to everyone who has been down to collect hardcore and piping, there is still plenty left so if you would like some please contact Caroline by emailing to arrange collection.


Latest update 23rd November 2023

We will be progressing with the next stage of site clearance works around Foyers Bay next week.  You can read more about it here.


Latest update 16th November 2023

Information is being sent out to the steering group and Foyers residents about the next stage of works proposed at Foyers Bay for later this month.


Latest update 2nd November 2023

Malcolm, Caroline and Robbie met at the slipway yesterday and discussed options to tidy up the boat yard and make the whole area more user-friendly.  We hope to share more details on this soon, and look out for ways that you can get involved!


Latest update 26th October 2023

Malcolm, Caroline, Robbie and Matt are meeting onsite next week to discuss the remaining stage 1 landscaping works with a view to completing these this Autumn/ Winter.


Latest update 28th September 2023

We received the tender report from the QS this week, which will be discussed at next week's Board meeting.


Latest update 14th September 2023

The deadline for tender submissions for the Foyers Bay contract is tomorrow.  We hope to have our recommendation from Gary, our Quantity Surveyor, in the coming weeks, and from there we can take a decision on how to progress.


Latest update 17th August 2023

The tender documents have now been prepared and sent out to contractors for the next phase of Foyers Bay works.  If you are a local contractor and would like further information on this, you can find the relevant documents on the Contracts for Work page - Contracts for work | Stratherrick & Foyers Community Trust (


Latest update 27th July 2023

We are pleased to share some photos of the recent works carried out at Foyers Bay to improve access to Loch Ness.  Further work is still to be done on tidying up the compound, and we will share further updates on this in due course.



Latest update 29th June 2023

Progress has been made this week on tidying up the compound and the area around Foyers Bay.  We will share some more photos of the developments next week, but you can read more about it here.


Latest update 22nd June 2023

This week we have initiated the tender process based on the plans submitted to the planning department and the associated conditions.  If you are a local contractor who may be interested in tendering for any aspect of the works being carried out, please get in touch with Caroline by emailing


Latest update 8th June 2023

We are still waiting further information from the Architects and Quantity Surveyor in terms of the next steps, which we will share with the project team as soon as we have them.

There are also plans for a general site tidy up. It is, however, a busy time of year with the beginning of the summer season, but we do hope to identify a date to start this over the coming weeks.


Latest update 25th May 2023

We are pleased to announce that we have now received planning permission for the slipway.  We are awaiting advice on next steps and will share this with the community in due course.


Latest update 18th May 2023

A proposal to tidy up the site was put forward by Malcolm, the lead director of this project.  If you would like to get involved, please get in touch with him by emailing

We believe a decision on planning is imminent, and we hope to share an update on this with you soon.


Latest update 20th April 2023

We have had a number of enquiries recently about boat storage at Foyers Bay.  If you would like more information on this, please contact Tony by emailing


Latest update 12th April 2023

Highland Council has all the necessary information it needs and we believe determination on Foyers bay and the slipway will be made soon.  The Board approved a proposal from the Slipway Steering Group for the area in the meantime at their latest meeting and we expect that clean up and work to be completed by end of June.


Latest update 9th March 2023

The planning department have asked for further information from the Architects.  Tony will work with Mike Lawson to identify what is required and follow up.


Latest update 23rd February 2023

Thank you to those who came along to last night's meeting, it was very productive.  Notes and actions will be circulated over the next couple of weeks.

The information requested by the planning department with regards to our planning application has been passed to the transport dept, and we are hoping for an update soon.


Latest update 9th February 2023

There has been no update on the planning application.


Latest update 26th January 2023

Some students from Kilchuimen Academy will be undertaking some observation work at Foyers Bay this Saturday, so please be aware of extra activity in the area.


Latest update 1st December 2022

Tony reported that there has been no change in the current planning status at this week's Community Council meeting.


Latest update 24th November 2022

The drawing requested by the planning department, along with supporting information, has now been submitted to planning.


Latest update 17th November 2022

Our Architects are continuing to work with the planning department on one outstanding piece of information - this should be resolved this week.


Latest update 3rd November 2022

The information requested by the planning dept has been provided by our Architect.


Latest update 27th October 2022

This week we received notification from the Highland Council that more information is required to process our planning application.  This request has been passed on to the Trust's Architect for further input.


Latest update 13th October 2022

We have received confirmation that our planning application will be reviewed over the next couple of weeks.


Latest update 8th September 2022

This week Tony met with a representative from the Highland Council planning department to discuss ongoing community projects.  We hope to get an update on Foyers Bay shortly.


Latest update 18th August 2022

The slipway is still in planning.


Latest update 30th June 2022

If you would like to make use of the boat storage facility at Foyers Bay please email Caroline at for more information.


Latest update 16th June 2022

The Architects are due to submit their response to the transport consultation observations that have come out of the planning process.


Latest update 9th June 2022

Some further information is required from the Architects prior to going to planning.  It is likely that it will be delegated powers rather than going to full planning.


Latest update 12th May 2022

Our fundraisers have started looking into additional funds for the slipway project.


Latest update 28th April 2022

This week we have submitted the plans for the new slipway to planning.  All details are available to read here.


Latest update 31st March 2022

We are now able to offer boat storage at Foyers Bay for community members.  To find out how, please contact Lorraine by emailing or Caroline by emailing for more information.


Latest update 24th March 2022

Following last week's Steering group meeting, we are happy to share with you that we have instructed Mike at Colin Armstrong Architects to submit a planning application for our slipway.  The revised plans are below:



Latest update 17th March 2022

We hope to see you at our Steering Group meeting this evening!  If you would like to attend and have not received your invitation, please contact Lorraine by emailing


Latest update 3rd March 2022

The next Steering Group meeting is to be held on Thursday 17th March, 7 - 9pm, on Zoom.  We will share the groundworks plan and discuss the slipway proposal.  If you would like to join this meeting and have not yet received your invitation, please contact Lorraine by emailing


Latest update 3rd February 2022

Lorraine presented her quarterly report at last night's board meeting and all actions were agreed by the Trust's board.  There will another Steering Group meeting shortly before submitting to planning.


Latest update 13th January 2022

Following receipt of costings for our proposed slipway designs in early December, we presented this information to the steering group before Christmas.  We are now in the process of finalising the designs with a view to submitting to planning shortly.


Latest update 2nd December 2021

We hope to receive costings for our proposed designs in the next week, and following this we aim to present the new designs to the Steering Group before submitting to planning.  Keep an eye out for your invitation over the couple of weeks!


Latest update 25th November 2021

Attention this week for both staff and Directors of the Trust has been on preparation for the AGM and the launch of the CAP, which you can now read online.  If you attended the AGM, you will have heard Lorraine's update on this project and we will continue to notify you of further progress here on a weekly basis.


Latest update 4th November 2021

The team is expecting the final survey results required for planning next week, we will then progress with our planning application for the new slipway.  If you have any questions or would like to see any of the plans and information, please contact Lorraine.


Latest update - 12th October 2021

Work is progressing on the design for our new slipway, and following a site visit that is due to take place at the end of October, we are hopeful that we will be able to submit a full planning application in the next 4-6 weeks.  Once we have the detailed slipway drawings, we will arrange a further Steering group meeting to discuss the designs prior to submitting to planning.  Keep an eye out for your meeting invitation, which will be issued shortly!


Latest update - 9th September 2021

We are pleased to say that in the next 8 to 9 weeks we will be able to submit a planning application for the installation of the slip way. Fairhurst, our Quantity Surveyors, now have the results of the topographic survey and the bathymetric survey. They do however need to carry out a site investigation in order to determine ground composition and this is currently being priced up for our consideration, which we hope to authorise imminently. 

We have in the meantime had a detailed meeting with Fairhurst regarding design and specification so they are currently working on a final design as we speak and hope to have this drafted and returned to us in approximately 7 weeks time.  We will of course arrange a further steering group meeting once these plans are received and prior to submitting the planning application so keep an eye out for an email from us inviting you along.

If you would like to be part of this group, or have ideas you would like to share, please email either Lorraine or Russell.


Latest update - 2nd September 2021

Following last week's meeting, we have now engaged Philip Toulson's services as Structural Engineer to assist us in the design for the new slipway.  His expertise lie in marine projects, so hopefully his experience will be invaluable in the design process.  Lorraine is meeting with Philip and Mike tomorrow to identify any further concerns that need to be addressed as we move towards planning.


Latest update - 26th August 2021

We had a very constructive and informative meeting with Philip, a Structural from Fairhurst, this week to discuss the potential design requirements for the new slipway.  He has suggested some further action points for us to look into, including identifying ground type where the slipway is going, and whether or not an environmental survey has been conducted in the area.  We will now discuss this with our Architect, Mike, in order to take this forward.


Latest Update - 19th August 2021

Both the Topographic and Bathymetric Surveys have now been completed, and we are awaiting the results of the latter.  A meeting is scheduled next week with the Quantity Surveyor to begin discussions about the design of the new slipway.


Latest Update - 5th August 2021

Mike Lawson, the Trust Architect, has been asked to submit the planning application for the slipway.  Further investigations, including a Bathymetric Survey, have been suggested prior to this and Board approval was given at last night's meeting for this work to be carried out. 


Latest Update - 30th April 2021

The Foyers Bay Community Steering Group Meeting met 28th April and you can read about the meeting here


Latest Update-15th March 2021

Russell Bain updated the Board at the January Board meeting on a recent meeting with Mike Lawson, the Trust Architect for the Foyers Bay project. Mike and Russell had visited the site and have drawn up an outline of the plan. The Board noted that Mike is putting together a fee proposal for an application and once received an updated report will be circulated.

Russell and Lorraine are currently in the process of setting up a Foyers Bay Steering Group to help drive the project forward so keep an eye on that in the coming weeks. If you are interested in joining the Foyers Bay Steering Group then please hit 'Join the Team' to note your interest.



Latest Update – 25 November 2020

The Foyers Bay Project has been somewhat hampered by the current Covid crisis, however some background work has still been going on. The Trust are now in discussion with the architects to produce the outline drawings for planning permission. The specification drawings for the slipway itself are complete. This will lead to putting the works out to tender once planning and SEPA requirements have been met. The intention is to firstly install the slipway and pontoons so that we have a useable facility as soon as possible whilst the rest of the groundworks and facilities will follow thereafter.



Previous Updates

23 July 2019

Fencing is now complete and signage is expected to go up soon. Please do not park up in front of the gates.

11 June 2019

Fencing operations have commenced at the Bay. The contractor is D. McLennan, Kilmuir, North Kessock. If you see any suspicious activity including dumping or the removal of items please report it to the Police.

1 May 2019

Design considerations regarding the refurbishment of the existing slipway continue and are expected to come to decision this summer.  This should allow the launching and recovery of small craft up to 7 metres length with a maximum water draft of 0.5 metres.

Future design may allow slightly larger craft, however shallow water depth may govern this possibility.

The approach gradient from land down to the waterside is also being considered to aim at a maximum of a 1 in 10 descent/ascent over a 4 metre height difference.

Pedestrian pontoon floats are already on site awaiting refurbishment and rebuild prior to deployment on water.

Likewise a supply of polyethylene floating pipe is on site awaiting end capping and return to water as a wave attenuator boom to shelter small craft activities and to protect against boat drift in the power station tail race. This boom will also add to environmental protection against flotsam drifting into Loch Ness.

Discussions have and continue to take place with authority stakeholders in building an acceptable facility and composing a code of conduct for water and landward interests.

An electricity supply is at this time becoming active towards power demand at the landward section of the project.

A fencing contractor will soon build a boundary fence around the SFCT leased land area containing the Foyers Bay site, with gated entrances included.

Ongoing rubbish and litter removal has and will continue with constant assistance from all who visit. This effort will vary to a greater or lesser degree as development of the site takes place.  It will always be in everyone’s interest to maintain this high standard.

The community is requested to contact any member of the Board of SFCT should comment or question arise in regards to the success of our Foyers Bay facility. Similarly if you see any suspicious activity including dumping or the removal of items please report it to the Police.

9 April 2019

So what are the long lengths of plastic pipe for at Foyers Bay?

Stratherrick and Foyers Community Trust leases some of the land at Foyers Bay from energy firm SSE. The Trust was approached by the University of the Highlands and Islands. UHI wanted to assemble a new and very long pipe for use in testing equipment further up the loch. The Trust sought the consent of our landlord, SSE and permitted UHI to use the area for a few weeks. There will be minimal disruption and no ongoing work to do with the pipe.

SSE will be installing a new electrical supply to site shortly which will include a crossing of the power station road. Please refrain from using the site meantime. Fencing work is due to start in May. The pontoons and floats stored on site are not to be used as play equipment. The mound of concrete particles are stored for use in the remediation of the site and for paths.

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