Welcome to Community Transport Project page. Each week we intend to give you a regular Thursday update on how projects are progressing. Some weeks there will be lots of activity, others not so much. If you have any questions - or have knowledge and skills you would like to bring to the project please do get in touch with the lead Directors via the button on the right!
Latest update 12th December 2024
As mentioned below, we are pleased the following update, as outlined at the recent Trust AGM; ' The Transport Group have a recently had a breakthrough in their work to provide community transport. In our CAP, transport to community events and shopping trips came out strongly in what people wanted to have. Our minibus should be here in Jan/Feb 25. It has been purchased outright by Highland council with funding from the Community Bus fund. It will then be leased to SFCT at no cost but with rules attached. It means less of our budget being spent. The minibus will be a 16 seater with a disabled ramp. It will require a D1 licence and all drivers that have come forward so far have this. There will need to be community development to get younger volunteer drivers trained to obtain their D1 and funding may be available for this. HC have agreed that until our bus arrives, SFCT can use grant funds to hire a minibus from other groups or a school to start running some community transport and get feedback on this. Thanks to everyone who has volunteered to be a driver – much appreciated. And great to see another CAP priority coming to fruition.'
Latest update 28th November 2024
At last night's Stratherrick & Foyers Community Trust AGM, the Chair was able to share that we have managed to secure a minibus via a Highland Council grant that will be available for community use early in 2025. More details will be shared in due course.
29th August 2024
Thank you to everyone who came along to our steering group meeting, it was a great turn out and a very positive meeting. We will share actions and outcomes on this page in due course.
26th August 2024
There will be community transport steering Group meeting held this Wednesday the 28th of August at the Wildside Centre from 5pm - 6pm. This is open to everyone in the community and we would encourage you to pop along if you can spare some time!
4th July 2024
Would you like to join the community transport Steering group? Please get in touch with Sharon by emailing sharon@sfctrust.org.uk.
9th May 2024
Thank you to everyone who completed our recent transport survey, this is now closed. We are busy collating the information from these, which we will share with the steering group in due course.
25th April 2024
Have you filled in our transport survey yet? You can do so online here. Paper copies are also included in the Spring magazine - once completed, these can be returned to The Wildside Centre, Whitebridge, IV2 6UN.
28th March 2024
We have been working on a community survey, which will be ready to be circulated very soon.
29th February 2024
The team will be meeting again on Wednesday 6th March to discuss how to take this forward.
15th February 2024
Would you like to book the community van? Find out how to do so here!
8th February 2024
Further to receiving the Community Transport Grant in December, We will shortly be setting up an action group to take this project forward. If you would like to be involved, please get in touch with Robbie by emailing CAPofficer@sfctrust.org.uk.
14th December 2023
We are pleased to share with you that we have been successful in applying for a Community Transport Grant! You can read more about it here. There are a number of finer details to iron out before a community bus becomes reality, but if you would like to be involved in this project, please contact Robbie by emailing capofficer@sfctrust.org.uk.
2nd November 2023
Some of you may have noticed a new vehicle based at The Wildside Centre - you can find out more here: New Community Van!
28th September 2023
Funding applications went in this week to assist with the provision of a community minibus and the purchase of e-bikes. We will update you on further progress on both of these in due course.
14th September 2023
Community transport was highlighted as a priority need through the Community Action Plan, with particular focus on a community minibus for use by community groups, the local school and local residents. Sharon has identified a fund provided by the Highland Council that can help us push forward on this. Using information gathered previously, she and Robbie, our CAP Officer, are working on completing the application over the next couple of weeks.
We are also investigating a further fund that may help us purchase e-bikes for use within the community.