Matthew Rhodes | Facilities and Building Manager | Stratherrick & Foyers Community Trust


Matthew Rhodes – Facilities Manager

Tell us about yourself Matt?

When I left school, I worked as a builder. After a brief period leading an alternative lifestyle, I started fitting computer networks and fibre optics for businesses all around the UK, living in and out of hotels for many years. Being on the road and away from my young family was hard, so I started a General Art Course in college which led me to specialise in Sculpture at Lancaster University. I worked as a practising artist in and around Manchester and Edinburgh and then started working in a ceramic workshop with people with learning disabilities. This then led me to Skye where I worked as a support worker and had my own business running wild swimming tours for 6 or 7 years. Myself, my wife Michelle, and our two boys moved to Stratherrick last May.

What does Life as a Facilities Manager for SFCT involve?

It is a very varied role. My day to day activities range from maintaining The Wildside Centre and Errogie Church (restoring original features, painting, varnishing, general upkeep) and organising contractors such as electricians and landscape maintenance contractors to helping with the groundworks at Foyers Bay in preparation for the new slipway. I also help with the set-up, take down and preparation of events, with Winter Wonderland the next big event.

I really enjoyed working with Alex and Janet on the community log cutting project, this was a great way to meet people in the community and learn a lot more about the area.

What’s next on your list?

Winter Wonderland is our next event so I will help with the preparation of that, and I am looking forward to getting started on a couple of archways to frame the path at Wildside. I will continue to treat the Wildside pathway and there are always odd jobs around the properties that need done. I take part in the weekly Communications calls now and it really helps with keeping me up to speed with what is going on and sets up more jobs for the week!

What personal interests do you have that cross over with your work for the Trust?

I love making things and being hands on! I am fascinated about our heritage and local history of our area and this job fits in really well with my lifestyle as the flexible working hours give me time to focus on my art when I am not at work.

Matt’s hours are Ad-Hoc

You can contact Matt via email at:

Matthew Rhodes
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