Winter Festival 2024


Please note the venue for the Winter Solstice Celebration has changed to Stratherrick Public Hall, Gorthleck.  The event organisers look forward to seeing you Saturday, so please bring a yoga mat if you have one, although some will be available on the day, and also bring a blanket to get cosy for the meditation!  This will truly be a fantastic event!  See you there!


For all the latest information on the upcoming events, then please follow our Facebook Page HERE If you attend any of the Winter Festival events then please share you photos with us.  You can do this at the link HERE or use QR Code below.  We can't wait to see what Community moments you capture!



The confirmed line for our first ever Winter Festival is.....
















































As part of this year’s Winter Festival, Santa’s little helpers, (a group of local volunteers) are supporting the work of ‘The Highland Foodbank Advent Calendar 2024’ with their Reverse Advent Calendar.


A Reverse Advent Calendar allows us to donate items to those most in need. Christmas is not always a joyful time for those who cannot afford basic shopping. If you are in a position to help at all we encourage you to consider donating one or more items from the Advent Calendar above. You can choose to select a date that is special to you and donate the item for that day or some people select one week to donate the items listed.


The calendar will commence on Wednesday 27th NOVEMBER with the closing date for donations being Friday 20th DECEMBER.  This will allow for Santa’s little helpers to pack up the sleigh, so the goodies can be delivered in time for Christmas.  From the 27th of November, please feel free to drop donated items at the following locations:


The Wildside Centre

The Hub at BCC

Gorthleck Hall

Foyers Shop


Whilst this list is not exhaustive, these are the items which are needed the most.  Any items you feel able to donate will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Santa’s Little Helpers


30th October 2024

For this year's Christmas Market and Community Light Switch on we have 2 amazing competitions that we can ALL enter! Last year you said you wished there were adult categories so we have delivered, we even have family/group entries!

Which competition do you fancy? Baking the best Christmas cake or can you construct a magical gingerbread house? Or maybe you want to enter both! We can't wait to see your entries! So get planning now!


8th October 2024

Would you like to be part of our Christmas Market at the Community Light Switch on at the Wildside Centre on Saturday 7th December from 3-7pm? If you are a community group or a business, we would love to hear from you. Whether you sell food, crafts, cakes or simply would like to promote your group, then please email by the 31st October so we can include you in our already exciting line up!  We only have a few spaces left available inside or outside.


7th October 2024

We are excited to announce a fantastic variety of events taking part in the first ever Stratherrick & Foyers Community Winter Festival! Save the dates of what might interest you! Lots more information on these events coming very soon so keep an eye on this page!






















11th September 2024

Following the success of Winter Wonderland over the last three years, and pulling together feedback from members of the community, the events team have been looking at ways to make our winter events more inclusive to the whole community.  We have proposed a month-long Community Winter Festival with a range of events run by community groups, with support from the Trust’s events team on advertising/ marketing and funding. 


This is where you come in!  Would you like to take on the community Christmas Party?  Can you galvanise a community Carol concert?  Can you help organise a Community Christmas lunch?  All of these things have been part of the festive calendar before and we would love to see them form part of the Community Winter Festival! If you have other ideas or suggestions of how you would like to be part of this festival, we would love to hear them. We would like to kick start the festival on Saturday the 7th of December with a Community Christmas Market and Light Switch on at the Wildside Centre. 


Please find a form below for you or your group to complete and share your ideas for your proposed activity or event with us.  We will arrange an informal get together with those interested to discuss how to take these ideas forward. We would like your responses by Friday 27th of September. 


If you have any questions or require further information please contact Jillian at


Community Winter Festival individual or group form

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