Friday, 12 July 2024
Anything happen while I was away?
New Government, far right beaten in France, wet Wimbledon, dispite all the reviews and criticism Gareth Southgate keeps a British team in the Euro's (and Scotland always wanted Spain to win anyway!). None of that really matters...
It’s always nice to come back from a wee holiday, look in your email and there has been no major disasters while you have been away. As you go through your emails and catch up with colleagues, volunteers, staff and stakeholders by phone/teams they let you know that is done, covered that, already moving forward. There are always a few gripes and little hiccups, as in any job, but by and large many people work together very collegiately and that’s good for the mental health and well being of everyone involved.
Okay, the weather hasn’t been great and that July low isn’t going anywhere soon. But whatever happens the Highland Gathering 2024 at the Corriegarth Estate will brighten up your weekend. I’m looking forward to being there on the 20th – I hope you are too!
I met with the team of Highlife Highland this week, the first of two meetings about how they can help support the communities aspiration for sports and facilities at Riverside and for the arts, craft, bio diversity and heritage project at Errogie / Forest School. They have a wealth of expertise, contacts, connections, partners and funders that will make these facilities truly amazing and it was a very positive start. This meeting was on the back of their attendance at the first Riverside Steering Group where they realised something very special and amazing is happening here that will benefit all ages and interests and wanted to know more. They even wanted to move to Stratherrick and Foyers! This information will feed into the community led groups working on all the projects
I can also say the building of two homes for affordable rent (to add to the two already there) that will be owned by the community trust are moving along quite nicely and on budget. What an opportunity that will hopefully lead to more homes in the future. With links by transport being added to the mix, support for the primary school in terms of after school provision, local businesses offering flexible working hours and the facilities you decided you want to develop in the area this will make Stratherrick and Foyers attractive to young families and ensure a strong legacy and future for the area we can all enjoy.
No ‘5 Things’ next week as we will all be all hands to the pump preparing for the Highland Gathering on Saturday. I’d love to say all these projects and events (from Swift talks to film showings to 10th Birthday celebrations to playpark openings to gigs to the Highland Gathering) magically appear from all the groups involved but they don’t. They involve a whole host of people spending a lot of time just rolling up their sleeves and getting things done. That is something worthwhile to be involved in and makes the work we all do truly amazing!
- 2025
- February (4 stories)
8 February
Later today the Pathways Group are hosting their Community Engagement event at the Wildside Centre from 13.30pm. For the past year, the Pathways Group has be...
6 February
Errogie Church Statement
As you will be aware, an announcement was made by the Trust in mid December 2024 that we were unfortunately unable to host three events that were due to take place at Err...
6 February
Wildside Wednesday Success!
πTHANK YOU π We want to say a big thank you to those of you who popped along to our first Wildside Wednesday event yesterday! It was great to see you all π  ...
5 February
Join us TODAY at the Wildside Centre, between 9.30am – 12.30pm where the first Wildside Wednesday of 2025 will take place. You can shop local, with local p...
- January (22 stories)
31 January
!! Next Saturday !!
On the 8th Feb The Pathways Group host their Community Engagement Day at the Wildside Centre from 13.30pm. The group have setup a dedicated Facebook event pa...
30 January
Refurbishments to toilets in The Wildside Centre
Following many months of work behind the scenes we are pleased to be able to share with you that work on upgrading the ladies toilets and creating a larger disabled toile...
30 January
Fancy a sing song with Monadhliath?
The Monadhliath Choir invites all singers to a charity singing event on the 27.04.2025 at Stratherrick Public Hall. If you would be interested in join...
29 January
February Newsletter
We are pleased to share that our Feb newsletter should be making its way through your door next week! π Please look out for the white envelope addressed to ...
25 January
Do you use Instagram?
Did you know that Stratherrick & Foyers Community Trust are on Instagram? If you too have an account, why not give our page a follow. We’re keen to build up ...
24 January
Foyers Community Fire Station
π Foyers Community Fire Station π Foyers Community Fire station has a competent crew of 7 personnel, but we are in real need of new recruits, to keep the s...
23 January
Wildside Wednesday is returning!
Join us on the 5th February at the Wildside Centre, between 9.30am – 12.30pm. Here is your chance to shop local, with local produce from Lyne Mhor Crof...
22 January
Loch Ness Luvvies - Traditional Burns Supper
This Friday, 24th Jan the Loch Ness Luvvies are hosting their very own Traditional Burns Supper at Stratherrick Hall, Gorthleck at 7.30pm. Tickets are £20 per he...
22 January
Timings have been announced!
As you may have recently seen, The Pathways Group are running a Community Engagement event on the 8th February from 1pm at The Wildside Centre. In our previous post, t...
21 January
** Mobile Library Update **
Mark, our local librarian has kindly sent over a full list of dates when he will be stopping in the area. You can find the full list here: https://www.stratherrickcommuni...
20 January
Invitation to tender - Health & Safety Consultant required
We are looking for an experienced Health & Safety professional to carry out a comprehensive survey on Errogie Church to ensure that the building is fully compliant fo...
19 January
Send in your dates for the Community Calendar!
Did you know we have an online Community Calendar? If not, you can find it here: https://www.stratherrickcommunity.org.uk/calendar/ We would love to inclu...
18 January
What's the next step?
For the past year, the Pathways Group has been working hard to promote the local path network, paths that lead through rich landscapes, historical sites, and biodiversity...
15 January
Community Engagement Day - 8th Feb
Over the last month you may have noticed that the Pathways Group are holding a Community Engagement Day on the 8th February. You can find out all about the event by follo...
14 January
Mobile Library Update
Below you will find a list of updated Dates/Times where you can visit the Mobile Library at The Wildside Centre. We will add these dates to the Online Commu...
14 January
Indoor Carpet Bowls makes it return as of today!
** TODAY ** Indoor Carpet Bowls makes it return as of today! The group return to their weekly session after the Xmas break. Please note: The group will now ...
10 January
Community Engagement Event - 8th Feb
The Pathways Group invites you to a community event that explores the potential development of a pathways based app. This is your opportunity to help shape an app which w...
9 January
Deadline for Jan/Feb Newsletter Content!
The deadline to send in any content for the Jan/Feb Newsletter is Friday the 17th of January 2025. Please email marketingofficer@sfctrust.org.uk with your articles inclu...
9 January
Send us in your photos from the Winter Festival
A HUGE thank you to those of you who have already uploaded photos to our shared community photo gallery during the festival. If you have any wintery snaps th...
8 January
Reverse Advent Calendar Success!
Santa's little helpers would like to thank everyone who contributed in any way to the overwhelming success of this project. The generosity shown by our community was ...
8 January
Sadly, due to the current road conditions, Mark who drives the local ‘Mobile Library’ will NOT be stopping at Wildside today. All books will be renewed, and h...
7 January
Welcome Back
Hello, we hope you had a relaxing time during the festivities. As it’s now time to get back to work, we thought it would be a good idea to update our online communi...